We are proudly announcing that in.mat-Lab has been accepted as an Official Member of the National Startup Registry (Elevate Greece).
The National Startup Registry is the official platform and leading resource for in-depth information on the Greek Startup Ecosystem.
In.mat-Lab was founded 5 years ago in Lavrion Technological & Cultural Park, Greece. As a Greek startup and although operating in Greece, in.mat-Lab is focusing on international markets for commercializing its products, helping in that way the growth of the local ecosystem of startups but also the global recognition in the field of industrial minerals. In.mat-Lab’s growth short and mid-term strategy is focused on the commercial development of a plug-in application for “market-oriented smart mining” of industrial minerals and the exploitation of high added value mineral products with optimized characteristics for specific applications. Our long-term strategy includes possible collaborations with established producers for the commercialization of our R&D findings (running projects) and/or the possibility of a B2C positioning in the market of minerals.