in.mat-Lab was established in 2016 with the aim to offer innovative solutions to the industrial, mineral and construction materials producers. We provide independent services, from testing and certification to technical support and development, process and marketing consultancy. Our experience for over 25 years in QC/QA as well as industrial R&D in different sectors of mining and construction is an excellent platform for the development and testing of products and processes.
The key elements that shape the company’s business strategy are:
25 year experience in a wide range of materials, applications and markets;
Be willing and capable of adapting to changing customers needs;
Provide world class technical service.
Provide innovative and sustainable solutions
This enterprise is co-financed by the Greek Operational Program “Start-up Entrepreneurship” of EPAnEK 2014-2020 Competitiveness – Entrepreneurship – Innovation. The Program aims to support the establishment of sustainable very small and small businesses, emphasizing on innovative business plans and reinforcing employment.The Program finances operational expenses, the cost of setting up the enterprise’s premises and employment cost.
Membership / Partnership

in.mat-Lab announced its membership to Perlite Institute as Associate Members. Members of the Perlite Institute work together to learn the most efficient and effective ways to produce market-ready perlite, to build awareness among target industries of perlite’s incredible potential, and to research and then communicate the mineral’s properties to end-users.

in.mat-Lab has been welcomed as a Member of the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV). SEV – Scale Up is addressed to extroverted Greek start-ups and other innovative companies that do not belong to the category of start-up who will enjoy the full privileges of SEV members and their personalized support services for the development of B2B partnerships, finding corporate clients, entering new foreign markets and increasing their financing.

in.mat-Lab has been accepted as an Official Member of the National Startup Registry (Elevate Greece). The National Startup Registry is the official platform and leading resource for in-depth information on the Greek Startup Ecosystem.

in.mat-Lab is happy to announce our partnership in the cooperative scheme with the title: “Cluster of companies for Efficient and sustainable Construction, buildings & infrastructure” with the distinctive title “e-CODOMH“. The specific cluster happens to be the first of its kind for Greece. The mission of e-CoDOMH cluster is to upgrade entrepreneurship and create added value in the Greek construction industry, through the integration of innovation and its technological transformation with ultimate goal the sustainability of construction.